A yard can change a home's appearance dramatically. A house sitting with a bare yard can look drab and boring, but well placed foliage and colorful flower beds can provide curb appeal and energy cost saving benefits. However, landscaping can be one of those daunting tasks that many homeowners often push to the bottom of the to-do list. Without any horticulture experience, it's difficult to know where to start and most homeowners can't afford to pay the high bills charged by landscapers. That's no reason to avoid what can be a simple way to spruce up the look of your home though! Read on for 4 simple and inexpensive ways to turn your home's yard into the envy of the neighborhood.
Fill in the Bare Spots
Starting with the foundation of the yard is the best place to start. If you do nothing else, a lush lawn can provide an aesthetic appeal to the exterior of your home.
- Thatching or aerating—after the first spring mowing, thatching or aerating your lawn will allow more oxygen to the roots of the grass for better growth throughout the year. Thatching is done with equipment that drags through the grass to eliminate the build-up of dead roots that make it difficult for oxygen and water to reach the soil base. Aerating is essentially poking holes in the soil to increase the circulation of oxygen in the soil.
- Over-seed the lawn—using a spreader, go over your entire yard with grass seed. This will fill in bare spots, as well as make the existing grass more green and plush. For a month or so, you will need to take extra care in watering your yard early in the day before the sun rises too high. Watering your lawn when the sun is at the highest point in the day may cause your grass to turn brown or die.
Plant Fast Growing Trees
In general, trees are low-maintenance lawn ornaments. Shade trees can also provide protection from the sun beating down on your house all day. According to the Urban Forestry Network, planting shade trees in prime locations in your yard can decrease heating and cooling costs by as much as 30 percent. Over time, trees will pay for themselves! Visit your local tree nursery to find out which shade trees are best for your region. If you live in part of the U.S. where temperatures can drop below 20 degrees, you'll want to invest in trees that are hardier, like maple or birch.
For added outside décor, plant a flowering tree for a focal point of your front yard. This simple action will add breathtaking beauty to your home during the blooming season. Some fruit trees will flower in the spring and then provide you with edible fruit in the late summer or fall.
Design Your Shrub and Flower Beds
You don't need to be a horticultural expert to design a simple low maintenance landscaping piece that will be eye catching. Draw up a plan on paper including shrubs, plants and perineal flowers of different heights and colors for a few distinct places in your front yard. This may be on each side of your front walk, in front of a porch, or even around the base of a mature tree. For convenience, many local plant nurseries will draw up plans for you at no cost as long as you commit to purchasing your plants and trees from them. Doing this can save you from being overwhelmed with research on what plants go best with what shrubs, etc.
Use Planters and Yard Furniture as Decoration
For additional appeal, place colorful planters and lawn furniture on your front porch, steps, or among a cluster of foliage. By using contrasting colors of your home, these colorful pieces can really pop and catch the attention of people driving by.
Sprucing up your front and back yards does not have to be an overwhelming or expensive task. By doing these 4 simple things, you will not only create serene, usable yard space but you will also update the entire exterior of your home without even touching the actual house. You will continue reaping the benefits of your labor for many years!